Geotec Consulting - Geotehnical and physical studies
Want to save money? Want to save time? Want a simple project? Want a building without any problems?
Choose experience and rigourosity of Geotec Consulting
Our company founded in 2005 is specialized in performing field studies and laboratory for:
Hydrotechnical complex, dams and banks, hydro-electric, thermo-electric and nuclear power stations, galleries and channels, high voltage lines, wind parks, water supply, ways of communication, civil and industrial construction.
Also, GEOTEC CONSULTING S.R.L. offers expertise services, consulting and technical assistance for study works and advisory of the foundation soil for a wide range of ground and underground constructions.
Having experienced in engineering geophysics and seismology, geotechnics, geology and hydrology specialists, formed over many years in ISPH SA and GEOTEC S.A, in the field and laboratory studies necessary to hydropower and thermal power objectives built in Romania and of some studies made abroad, our company provides the guarantee of quality and competent service.
Geological, hidrogeological, geotechnical, geophysical and seismological (seismic hazard) documentations for all phases of design;
Investigations of foundation soil for civil, industrial, hydrotechnical, nuclear constructions a.s.o., with direct investigations (drills, laboratory) and indirect (geophysical measurements), geoelectrical (SEV mehtod, electrical thermography), seismical (refraction, cross-hole and down-hole), georadar, etc.
Concrete quality and continuity of pilots investigation using nondestructive methods (ultrasounds, pahometer and PIT method);
Geophysical monitoring of constructions: seismic stations, inclinometers, thermometers, georadar, electrical tomography a.s.o.;
Settlement of the sources and quality of construction materials; documentations for obtaining the necessary permits (license or permit exploration / exploitation);
Documentations for setting slopes affected by landslides, land drainage under hydrostatic level, groundwater monitoring and determining potential pollution from various sources, a.s.o.;
Wind parks - investigations to establish the foundation conditions for turbines, platforms and roads;
Reference works in the country and abroad
Studies prepared for the most important hydroenergetical arrangements from Romania; Iron Gates I and II, Bicaz, Arges, Lotru, Sebes, Raul Mare, Olt, Siret, Turnu Magurele - Nicopole project a.s.o.;
Geological, geotehnical studies, and technical assistance for power plants from Romania, transformer stations and high voltage lines;
Geological, geophysical, geotechnical and hydrogeological studies for Cernavoda Nuclear Power Plant (reactor sites, intervention blocks and office buildings, radioactive waste storages DICA and DFDSMA, deepwater drilling water supply a.s.o.;
Geological, hydrogeological and geotechnical studies for Danube - Black Sea, White Gate - Midia, Bucharest – Danube navigation channels, for navigation sluice- gates and dry docks in Agigea and Mangalia;
With georadar method were determined water infiltration routes at Olt river dikes, were identified areas polluted by hydrocarbons (Petrobrazi Plant, Rompetrol depots, Petromidia, Braila a.s.o.), were found pipes and buried cables in Otopeni airport, Suceava, Bucuresti, Timisoara, Brasov a.s.o.;
Field investigations, laboratory and elaboration of geotechnical documentation for Baia, Tulcea county and Chirnogeni, Constanta county;
Seismological studies in cooperation with the University of Karlsruhe - Germany;
Feasibility studies for hydropower settlements in Iran, Zambia (collaboration with Harza Engineering Company) and Algeria.